An actionable hostile work environment in California refers to a situation where an employee faces severe or pervasive harassment or discrimination based on protected characteristics, making the work environment intimidating, offensive, or abusive. California law...
Ageism in advertisements
Ageism can take various forms in the workplace. According to a study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, a different type of discrimination for those 40 and older exists in the form of initial employment want-ads. Their findings confirm job...
Discrimination against remote workers
Everyone should feel safe at work. However, that is not always the case. Workplace discrimination is widespread and comes in many different forms. It used to be that the most common types of discrimination were age-related or sex-related, but times have changed and...
Can I Sue The Staffing Agency for Discrimination and Wrongful Termination?
May employees get their job through a placement agency and when something goes wrong at work the employee doesn’t know who is ultimately responsible for the conduct. In California, the answer depends on the circumstances surrounding the nature of employment, but more...
California’s new anti-workplace discrimination laws for 2022
The California State Legislature passed several laws this session that could affect your rights as a worker and your ability to pursue justice against workplace discrimination. Three of the most important new statutes seek to stop unfair pay practices, discrimination...
Does your employer’s dress code discriminate against you?
If your company has a dress code that you believe discriminates against you, what options do you have? An article in the Houston Chronicle advises that it is within a company’s prerogatives to impose a dress code as long as it meets the following requirements: It must...
What workplace rights does a disabled worker have in California?
California law requires employers to provide disabled employees with reasonable accommodations and to protect them from discrimination. The Fair Employment and Housing Act defines a disability as any condition that limits major life activities. The law covers...
How to recognize workplace harassment
Workplace harassment affects men and women and comes in varying forms. From discrimination to unwanted sexual advances, harassment leads to a toxic work environment. Sometimes it is easy to recognize. Other times, it can be more nuanced. Regardless of form or...
The Law Protects Disabled Employees From Discrimination
Are you a disabled employee? Many disabled employees would say no because they think “disabled” has negative connotations. As long as they can do their job, they do not consider themselves disabled and they do not want anyone else to see them as disabled. A disabled...