Yes, under California Labor Code section 2802, if you were required to work from home and incurred necessary and reasonable expenses related to your home office, your employer may be obligated to reimburse you for those expenses. This includes costs associated with...
wage and hour
Summary of California’s “Tool Wage” Law
In most if not all states, employers are required to cover all business expenses, and supply all capital required for their business enterprises (e.g., tools, equipment, uniforms, work site, etc.). Thus, under California law, employers are in most cases required to...
What can an employee recover if their employer engages in wage theft?
In California, employers are obligated to follow certain legal standards in regard to paying their employees for all work performed on behalf of the employer. Unfortunately, not all employers will follow these standards. As such, an employee may sometimes find...
New Minimum Wage Ordinance for Healthcare Workers
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many cities throughout California have enacted “hazard pay” or “hero pay” ordinances across a variety of industries with the healthcare industry as a focal point. On July 7, 2022 Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti signed the...
New Minimum Wage Changes Starting July 1, 2022
As of January 1, 2022, the state of California’s minimum wage is $15.00 per hour for employers that have 26 or more employees and $14.00 per hour for employers that have fewer than 26 employees. In addition, California’s minimum wage is set to increase in 2023. ...
Itemized Wage Statements Contain Important Information
Does your employer pay you in cash or with a personal check??? Although not illegal, it is likely a violation of California Labor Code section 226 if the employer fails to provide a wage statement semimonthly or at the time of each payment of wages. What is a wage...
California Supreme Court Rules That Payments for Missed Breaks are “Wages”
In a recent development in California employment law, on May 23, 2022, the California Supreme Court, in the case of Naranjo v. Spectrum Security Services, Inc., Cal.5th _, S258966 (2022), held that meal and rest period premiums owed to employees who are unable to take...
Is it discrimination?
A worker facing a less-than-favorable job environment may wonder if there is something wrong with the treatment. In some cases, the worker may not fit well into the position, while in others, there is something deeper happening. Workplace discrimination may take many...
Be on the lookout for wage delays and tricks
On behalf of Jay S. Rothman & Associates posted in wage and hour on Friday, February 8, 2019. You deserve to have your compensation for the work you put in paid on time. While many people in the state of California receive their wages without trouble, some...
Limits on California overtime work hours
The prospect of working overtime is not always welcomed by California workers. Some are pleased to take some overtime to help pay for extra expenses, while others dread it and wonder if they can legally stop their employer from requiring them to put in the overtime....