Start Safeguarding Your Rights As An Employee

Los Angeles Race Discrimination Lawyers

Employee Rights Litigation For Los Angeles County And The San Fernando Valley

In America, your race, ethnicity or national origin should have no place in the hiring process or your ability to advance in the workplace. Unfortunately, employers often violate civil rights laws against race discrimination. If you think you were denied a job or a promotion opportunity on the basis of your race, skin color or national origin while working for an employer in the Los Angeles area, call Jay S. Rothman & Associates.

From offices in Woodland Hills, our lawyers provide legal advice and representation for clients facing workplace discrimination in communities throughout Los Angeles County and the San Fernando Valley in Southern California. If you feel your workplace rights may have been violated, call 855-239-0102 or contact us by email to arrange a free consultation with an experienced Los Angeles race discrimination attorney today.

Our team of employment law professionals brings together more than 50 years of experience standing up for the rights of minority workers in Southern California.

  • Promoting non-minority workers into supervisory positions without justified qualifications
  • Unjustified demotion or pass-over for promotion
  • Demanding fluent English only spoken in the workplace
  • A lesser benefits package for minority employees
  • Downsizing by replacing minority workers with non-minorities

We use the courts to fight race discrimination in the workplace.

It is illegal to discriminate against minorities under the federal Civil Rights Act and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA). It is not illegal, however, to hire or promote a non-minority worker based on experience, job skills and performance criteria. Workers who feel they have been discriminated against based on their race, skin color or ethnic origin must be ready to demonstrate a discriminatory motive on the part of the employer, including possible proof that the company has a history of rejecting minority job applicants for hiring or promotion opportunities. We will thoroughly investigate the details of your unique circumstances and give you upfront and honest advice on how we can help.

San Fernando Valley Color And National Origin Discrimination Attorneys

Get the legal help you need to protect your employee rights. Call 855-239-0102. You may also use our contact form to submit an email regarding your case. We offer a free consultation, and we advance all costs of investigating, preparing and litigating your case.