Assertive Legal Counsel For Victims Of Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment Is Not Always Men Harassing Women
A common misconception is that a man cannot be sexually harassed. Our firm has represented many men who have been the victim of sexual harassment in the workplace. This harassment can be committed against men by men or by women. Men have the right to work in an environment in which they are not being harassed, just as women do. Sexual harassment does not require touching. Our firm can help you explore your options and fight for your rights, including in a lawsuit, if necessary.
Put Our Experience In Your Corner
Contact a sexual harassment attorney at the office of Jay S. Rothman & Associates today. We offer a free initial consultation so you can have your case assessed by a member of our firm without cost or obligation. Also, we advance costs and offer flexible appointment times to accommodate your working schedule. Trust your sexual harassment case to our dedicated legal team.
Call 855-239-0102 or use our online contact form to schedule a meeting.