On behalf of Jay S. Rothman & Associates posted in wrongful termination on Monday, February 18, 2019. Anyone in California who has ever lost a job knows that this experience can be highly upsetting, stressful and even traumatic. The experience can be made all the...
Month: February 2019
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When sexual harassment is denied
On behalf of Jay S. Rothman & Associates posted in sexual harassment on Sunday, February 10, 2019. For sexual harassment victims, life can be difficult for various reasons. As if returning to work on a daily basis is not hard enough, some workers who have been...
Be on the lookout for wage delays and tricks
On behalf of Jay S. Rothman & Associates posted in wage and hour on Friday, February 8, 2019. You deserve to have your compensation for the work you put in paid on time. While many people in the state of California receive their wages without trouble, some...